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A few years ago, the idea of returning to school was the furthest thing from her mind. 然而, an unexpected encounter during a ski trip led to a change of heart. 今天, she is a Project Manager for a team specializing in aircraft support equipment and product development here at Saab. 请允许我们向你介绍莱恩·沙尔.



According to 行Scharl, her working life has mainly been shaped by coincidences. Before joining Saab, she worked as a Project Leader in photography and film. 后来,她在一家滑雪胜地做兼职. 在一次滑雪旅行中, 她遇到了一个学习体育技术的女人, which immediately piqued Line's interest due to her passion for outdoor life.

"I found her education so interesting that I decided to move to Östersund and resume my studies. The fact that I could also pursue skiing while studying made my decision even easier. 我非常喜欢Östersund,所以我决定留下来. Shortly after graduating, I began job hunting, and that's how I ended up at Saab," shares Line.

她在星际网赌导航的工作是她毕业后在该领域的第一份工作, 她真的不知道会发生什么. But as her previous work life had offered unexpected opportunities and newfound interests, 这次也不例外.

"I never thought I would develop an interest in aeroplanes; my initial plan was to work in the development of sports and leisure equipment due to my educational background. I think it's incredible that there are products at Saab that I was previously unaware of but have become passionate about today. The range of products and opportunities here is truly impressive," Line continues.

"We all aim to create quality products for moments when they are truly required, 然而,我们最终的希望是,它们将不再被需要."


Line最初在星际网赌导航开始了她的职业生涯,担任工程师. 然而, 通过表达她想在角色中成长的愿望, 减少操作性工作, 更多地关注项目管理, 她现在已经扩大了自己的责任和视野.

“尽管我在星际网赌导航还是个新人, I have al读y been able to expand my horizons with new roles and responsibilities. It has also opened my eyes to the various opportunities within the company. We truly offer something for everyone, and not just for engineers, as many people might think. For instance, we have nurses on-site to provide input, as we design field hospital tents. 虽然这只是一个小例子, 有些领域需要广泛的专业知识, which means that there really is something for everyone here at Saab."

" The diversity of tasks and the constant exposure to new challenges make my job incredibly exciting."


首先,申请这份工作! 第二,做好长时间学习的准备. 然而, if you're willing to embrace the challenges and have the courage to do so, 机会将会出现.  

The potential for growth and the wide range of career options are aspects I truly value. The size of our company means that if I ever tire of my current position, 还有许多其他领域我可以探索, 每个都提供独特的体验.  
We are currently in the process of developing a new system for Gripen, 尽管我在项目的支持方工作, it's really exciting to be part of the transition from one generation to another.